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Making the Transition

我在魁北克市北部的父母家舒适地度过了人生的前12年, 在哪里, 我必须承认, I had everything I needed on a “silver plate.” My life was pretty easy! The decision to come to Stanstead College in Grade 7 was mine, and my parents fully supported me in that choice.
于是我来到这里, in 2019, 12岁时, arriving at Bugbee House in a room of 四个, 在哪里 my 三个 roommates were from 墨西哥, 日本和中国. 我的生活方式发生了很大的变化:从不一个人呆在房间里,严格的时间表和规则,以及“小时”。!
My adaptation to this new life was extremely difficult, because I had lots of difficulties respecting the school rules. 我确信,在头几个月给学生的总“小时”中,我占了很大的比例! I even had problems with my advisor at the time, 因为我似乎反对所有对我的期望.
Despite a quite difficult first few months, I kept to my decision and was back after the Christmas break. 情况在下半年开始好转,但仍然相当困难.
然后是让学校知道我是否会回来上八年级的时候了. 再一次。, supported by my parents and by the school staff, I opted to return because, deep in my mind, I knew this was the best choice for me.
从那时起,我意识到我的许多“问题”源于我顽固的反对心态. I prescribed myself a few introspection sessions with my younger self, 这让我开始了一个缓慢但稳定的转变,改变了我看待事物的方式,改变了我作为寄宿学生的生活方式.
I got more and more involved in the numerous activities at school, started practicing and trying new sports, began respecting the school rules as best I could and made friends.
My first-year advisor, whom I had had issues with, became one on my Grade 8 teachers, and we developed a very good relationship starting from there. My new advisor was also quite helpful. With my difficult first year behind me, boarding life became easier.  
I embraced every opportunity to enhance my social life, and Stanstead College gradually became my “home away from home.“我总是很高兴回到父母那里度过漫长的周末和假期,但也总是很高兴回到这里. 随着时间的推移,ManBet手机客户端的生活变成了“我的生活”,直到今天我都非常享受它.
有这么多不同国籍的学生,还有这所小学校的特色, 我还发现了永远不要低估友谊的力量在这个微观世界中轻松导航的重要性. 你的同学可能有类似的问题,可以在解决它的很大的帮助和支持. 当情况使你处于帮助者的位置时,反过来也是正确的.
如果你经历了困难时期,无论是因为学校还是其他原因,都不要放手. Make your bed every morning, 挑战自己,在晚上重新开始之前,至少找到一件令人愉快的事情.
把注意力集中在积极的方面,渐渐地你就会体验到两个, 三个, 四个, then numerous pleasant things during each of your days. This will teach you that the sun always shines some在哪里; you just have to discover how to find these places.
As the great Nelson Mandela once said, “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
Take the hard shot when it comes, analyze it a little, but not too long. And then, get back up quickly. 永不放弃.  All this can be summarized in one word: “RESILIENCE”.
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